
Host your golf tournament at Cummings Cove Golf & Country Club. Our full-service club has been chosen by many groups and organizations for special events. Tournaments may be scheduled for any day of the week with exclusive use of the course for tournaments exceeding sixty golfers. Cummings Cove can handle all of the details for you from registration to scoring sheets and a wide array of menu options including box lunch, buffet, dinner or special after-tournament events. Some of the features and services provided include:

• Use of clubhouse for registration
• New electric golf carts
• Golf bag attendants
• Tournament Course Ranger
• Comfort stations with water and ice machines in 3 convenient course locations

For more information, please fill out our form below or contact: James Williams, 828.891.9412.

Read what other tournament hosts have said about our facilities in Testimonials.

Download a hole-by-hole description of the course.

View a photo-tour of our golf course.